lunedì 29 aprile 2013

I like the idea of Mary Magdalene being a prostitute

'Unattached to husband, father or brother, the Magdalene stood out within Jesus' fellowship in a culture where women were expected to live under male protection. When Jesus said that prostitutes had a better chance of entering God's Kingdom than his opponents did (Matthew 21:31), some people came to the conclusion that Mary Magdalene fit the category.'

However, modern day theologians argue that Magdalene was not a prostitute. Which is a little sad really!

Nonetheless,Magdalene has always been associated with prostitutes and escorts alike. It is about moving us from the dark side into the light etc.

However, when I look at how art has depicted Magdalene I tend to think that men have created her character to satisfy their own desires. They needed a character who could be painted, drawn etc showing her breasts and wanton lust. She has been the most famous porn star in history, as the paintings below show. She has been painted in the ways men like to perceive a lusty woman. Sometimes thin, sometimes curvy but always with some flesh showing.

I am not sure what she is doing here.
Obviously the painter liked women with some flesh on their bones!
A more modern day image. Sill has a bit of a tummy.

A more waif like image and small breasts


Painters have always given Magdalene a bit of a tummy!

Her breasts are out for all to see, yet again!

Now what was the artist thinking here! The mind boggles. Cannot she have been fully dressed!

Even when she is being carried off by angels her breasts are out and for the whole world to see!

That tummy again!

A fully fleshed damsel!

And again

That breast again. It seems it is begging to be sucked!

Now I am often in the Pineta striking just a pose!!!!

Now if anyone wants a real breast then get in touch.

0039 3281769818

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