venerdì 19 luglio 2013

Slapper, slut, slag and hero!

Escorts and prostitutes are called many names,usually unkind ones,undeserved ones,but I do think of us as heroes.We are heroes!

Last night I was driving home along a dark road in a very quiet wooded area and I could see women selling themselves along the roadside. Now that does take courage. Ok some may say stupidity but also courage. Although an escort I could never play this way. Neither could I stand along the road as I saw in Brussels a couple of days ago. Nonetheless, I do things that when I think about them indicate that I do have some bottle as do other women playing my game.

Take for example a game I recently played in the UK. I was invited to a hotel by a man who I had never met before. I had seen some very positive reviews about him but still had never met him. The hotel was some way from where I was staying and I had never been there before. I did have an idea that he was interested in some special things but a little unsure what these were.

Well, although the experience was fun and different I think that not many women would put themselves in a position of

1. Meeting a man who they had never met before alone

2. Meeting a man in a hotel they did not know

3. Meeting this man in this hotel and allow him to tie me up to a very unusual stool

4. Meeting this man in this hotel and allow him to tie me up to a very unusual stool and to have very unusual, objects inserted into my orifices.

Now, this man was a gentleman and it was he who took these photos. He brought me wine and chocolates and was considerate throughout. Nonetheless, how many women would allow themselves to be placed in this position.

So I may be a slapper, a slut, a slag but I also think I am a hero!

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