We sometimes take the bus just for the ride!
There was no need
I was not going anywhere
I did not need to be anywhere
It was just an impulse
There was an empty road
An empty seat
So I took it
It was there
There were many seats
Offering similar views
Of similar places
But I sat near the window
I could see and be seen
The window of life
Capturing the movement
Of the day
I was thrown about
Knocked around
I bounced up and down
As we raced to our destination
The destination was not important
But to arrive was
Arrival meant something
I was travelling again
The bus emptied
The city's seeds flushed
Through the doors
And dripped into a waiting life
I sat on a warmed seat
And wondered
Should I take another bus
Or just stay on this one
This bus I knew the route
I had travelled its routine
And witnessed its contents
And knew what to expect
And I stayed
On my warm seat
With no timetable
And only the excitement of routine
There was no need
I was not going anywhere
I did not need to be anywhere
It was just an impulse
There was an empty road
An empty seat
So I took it
It was there
There were many seats
Offering similar views
Of similar places
But I sat near the window
I could see and be seen
The window of life
Capturing the movement
Of the day
I was thrown about
Knocked around
I bounced up and down
As we raced to our destination
The destination was not important
But to arrive was
Arrival meant something
I was travelling again
The bus emptied
The city's seeds flushed
Through the doors
And dripped into a waiting life
I sat on a warmed seat
And wondered
Should I take another bus
Or just stay on this one
This bus I knew the route
I had travelled its routine
And witnessed its contents
And knew what to expect
And I stayed
On my warm seat
With no timetable
And only the excitement of routine