giovedì 13 marzo 2014

Prose for Pros 25-My friend the condom!

He is my saviour

He's saved me from many things
And I am grateful for his slippery protection
He's been a barrier, he's been a latex safety wall
A thin gossamer that fights my foes
And fights my woes

He's a cover, he's a coat, he's a security blanket
He slips on and he is a fellow passenger in all of  my fucks
He's been close, he's been near
A second skin to placate a fear
And an endearing mate

He normally goes round in 3s or 12s
But I buy a gross, I am greedy
I buy the most
A cheap resource to maintain my smile
A French letter, a Belgium coat, a rubber
A friend

0039 3281769818

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