giovedì 6 dicembre 2012

Christmas Celebrations!

I have always enjoyed Christmas and New Year. I prefer to spend Christmas in the UK and New Year in Naples. The British do know how to celebrate December 25th but Italy definitely knows how best to celebrate December 31st.

Nonetheless, it does look as if I will be in Italy and in particular Rome, for both celebrations. Rome can be good too and I am looking forward to celebrating both events with a bang!!!!

Christmas is a time when a jolly man enters your home with a present. He enjoys drinking and food so he is a fun man to have around. He carries a sack and the sack is usually full. I do like a man with a full sack! He usually enters during the night and is very quiet. I like a man who enters during the night but am also happy to be entered during the daytime too.

New Year is a loud celebration. There are fireworks and loud noises. Friends pop in and out. I do like to make fireworks and I am very happy when friends pop in too. It is a time of kissing and caressing. Which are things I relish.

So if there is anyone out there who wants to help me get into the festive spirit. Or is there anyone out there I can help get into the festive spirit, then get in touch.

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