domenica 16 giugno 2013

What do people talk about after sex?

Now I am an escort and so I am quite used to lying next to a man, even men, couples even, when the sexual ardour has diminished and the brain locks into other everyday thoughts.

As I may have mentioned before, it is a common belief  that the only time you get rational thought from a male is the first 15 minutes after sex.

And I must admit I do get some very interesting conversations after the sweaty, noisy part is over. But what do you think we talk about? Well here are the 5 most common topics of converstaion.

1) Family. Usually a tale about the wife or girl friend.

2) Italy in general. How the country is in a mess etc

3) Football. I am a Naples fan and most men have a big interest in football.

4) The weather. Depending on the season it can either be too hot or too cold. If it is hot we talk about where we are going for our holidays.

5) Work And recently I had a bewildering conversation with a local politician who wanted to talk to me about why Italians do not pay tax. His reasoning went like this. If we do not pay tax the country has to borrow. If the financial market does not believe our economy is good due to the lack of tax coming into the public coffers then the rate Italy borrows from the financial markets will go up. Italian bonds become a good investment. And so those who did not pay their tax buy bonds and get a greater return on their money. And I think this is called capitalism, which he thought was a terrible system but better than anything else available!

So there you go. I get sex and a good conversation too!

So if anyone wants to fuck me and then have a chat get in touch.

0039 3281769818

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