mercoledì 7 agosto 2013

Escort Spotting!

One thing that I often do when out and about is to try to spot other escorts. I know it is a silly game and one where I very rarely find if my spots are true but it does keep me amused.

When I am out and about with family I often wonder whether people in the know can spot me. I don't dress provocatively and try to blend in but I often wonder if some people can spot me.

I live near an international school and often see Mum's taking their kids to school wearing clothes that I would only wear in my bedroom when I am entertaining. Infact I heard from a friend that the school had to send a letter out telling parents to dress more soberly. A male friend I know often passed by the school to ogle the flesh and he did often get a good ogle.

Now there is a big difference between a women showing flesh to be ogled and a women dressing to go out on an escort date. For one , the first is just wanting to be ogled and gets her kick from having the eyes on her body. Whereas the woman who is going out to be really fucked will dress more normal. Often the client will not want to be seen with a brazen hussy. They usually want someone dressed nice and a person who will not bring too much attention. They are not out for a trophy girl friend!

So how do I spot an escort? No, it is not a woman walking like John Wayne. Although most men would like you to walk like John Wayne after a session. It never happens!

1. They always have wonderful shoes!
2. They are often on the phone and move away from people when they are speaking.
3. They often have 2 or 3 phones. One of them they will be happy you listen in to!
4. They are often in a rush.
5. If you ever get a glimpse in their handbag they will often have condoms
6. They are gregarious.
7. They tell you they have a job that has flexible hours.
8. You never see them at work!
9. They are always nicely dressed but not over dressed.
10. They always smell really nice!

So there are my ideas of what to look out for. I am sure there are many more and I am happy to be sent messages letting me into your own secrets on this topic.

Keep having fun! I do! Which should be number 11-Always having fun!

0039 3281769818

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